Thursday, March 31, 2011

the artist is present

Seeing Marina Abramović last year was definitely one of the most amazing art experiences I have had in my life so far...

I just so happened to be in New York City last May to watch my big brother graduate from Columbia...lucky for me Marina Abramović was having a retrospective at the MoMA. Abramović is a Serbian performance artist whose career started back in the 70's

You can learn more about the performance and the exhibition here and I definitely suggest checking out the portraits and opening your mind to the idea of what performance art means.

The deal was this: Abramović sat in a chair in large open space inside the museum. Another chair was placed directly across from her and the audience was invited to participate by sitting silently in the chair and essentially "looking" at the artist for as long as they wanted. Seriously, it  could be one minute, it could be one could be five hours or the entire day. Sounds kind of weird right?

It was incredible. It brings tears to my eyes even when I think about it, now, a year later.

I knew we would be visiting the museum for a few weeks before I got to New York so I was exploring the MoMA website to see what would be showing. When I came across the info about the performance I was intrigued. At the time, the museum was streaming live video of the artist and the participants looking at one another. I was hooked. My co-worker and I watched the stream for days, marveling at the unique and fascinating variety of interactions you can have simply looking into the eyes and face of another human being. I told Mike and Jeff we HAVE to go and my brother is so wonderful he made the time for it during our busy trip. We even got an amazing parking space. :-) Did you know when you park in front of the MoMA in NYC in a specific loading zone and don't read the signs carefully you get a super big expensive ticket? Yeah...that space seemed too good to be true.

You might be asking what  is artistic about a person sitting and looking at another person. You might be wondering how that is art at all and I understand why you might feel that way. In my opinion it is the very definition of art because art is about the self and there is something so telling about the self by conveying emotion through your expression (or lack thereof) Art is about people and life and so many things in the surrounding world...pieces of that are contained inside of all of us.

This performance was about the artist and her connection to the audience. It was about her endurance. Abramović sat from before open until after close of museum hours for two and a half months, no breaks, no snack time, nothing more than her constant, silent interaction with the random public. For me, it was about humanity. We go through these fast lives, constantly surrounded by other people. How often do we really connect and if we did actually take the time to really connect what would we learn? What would we really see? Would we be afraid? Would we feel joy or pain? What would the other person feel while looking at us?

The artist had no choice about who sat to look at her and how long they chose to sit. Her only choice was to accept every person that decided to be a part of this process. She was without judgement.

AND the viewer, the audience that typically only is allowed to look at a piece of art suddenly becomes a part of the art piece.

Because it was a retrospective, once we tore ourselves away from the artist performance we were able to take a look at a lot of her work from years past. Some were displayed through video and others were performed by models to show what Abramović herself had performed prior.

I could write forever about the things that we saw, the shock and the awe, the disgust and the confusion, the fear and the love I artistic brain has grown very open minded especially these last ten years and I'm happy I was able to take it all in and process everything without turning away from it before actually seeing it...Yes, there were violent images and nudity. A lot of it frightened me and I felt strange and uncomfortable. Other works were mesmerizing. There were naked people that you had to squeeze by, your body pressing against theirs to get to a different part of the exhibit. I think what surprised me the most was when Jeff shrugged and boldly brushed through these naked models, no hesitation! It was me that hesitated but after I went for it I felt oddly exhilarated. 

I snuck a couple of pictures when the guards were not looking (oops ) See that guy in the far left corner...yeah, they don't want you taking photographs.

You can see from above the general idea of how the performance was laid out. Did I want to sit with her? Badly. I think my world would have faded around me while I looked in her eyes and learned some secret of the universe. I think my heart would have broken and healed itself again. If I actually was living in NYC and not there for an important event in my brothers life, I would have taken a day to sit with her and see where it took me, even though the idea really terrifies me. As it was, I am very happy to have witnessed other participants and see the performance live. The streaming video is awesome and the pictures taken of the people who sat with her make me question my cursory view of every person I have ever encountered.

It was so beautiful I find it difficult to put into the perfect words to describe it...but maybe I shouldn't have to.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

damn that's a lot of tree

I made a ton of progress on this big painting...and I am going back for more right after I finish typing this. For some reason I totally feel like painting today and the proof is in the paint on my feet and toes. (and arms...face...who knows where else)  Oh, and check out the work I did today...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

...i bet you think this song is about you

I think this better than ezra song is about me, hey it even has my name! (minus the E and the car accident/dying part  - yikes) I know the initial premise is a little morbid but hey, it's what I would want should my time come and there are some key things in there that are totally me...
if you know me well enough think you can pick them out? :-)

Allie woke up 8AM

Graduation day.
Got into a car,
And crashed along the way.

When we arrived late to the wake,
Stole the urn while they
Looked away,
And drove to the beach

'Cause I knew you'd want it
That way.
And you were standing
On the hood of the car

Singing out loud
When the sun came up.

And I know I wasn't right,
But it felt so good.
And your mother didn't mind,
Like I thought she would.

And that REM song was playing
In my mind.
And three and a half minutes
Felt like a lifetime

It felt like a lifetime

And you move like water
I could drown in you.
And I fell so deep once,

Till you pulled me through

You would tell me
"No one is allowed to be so proud
They never reach out
When they're giving up."

Are you sitting in the lights?
Or combing your hair again,
And talking in rhymes?
Are you sitting in the lights?

When I got home, heard the phone,
Your parents had arrived.
And your dad set his jaw
Your mom just smiled and sighed.
But they left soon
And I went to my room.
Played that disc that you'd given me,
And I shut my eyes
Swear I could hear the sea...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

what am I grateful for?

I did work on the big painting a bit more this weekend, not as much as I would have liked but I wasn't feeling the painting thing and didn't want to mess it up. I'll post some pictures later after I have some more progress to show. This weekend will be a painting fest from sun up to sunday...I'm gearing myself up for it. There is a promise of donuts and a date night with Jeff so I'm excited :-)

I thought I would take a few moments today and follow in the footsteps of my friend Todd...we used to work together at this horrific art "store" and because we usually weren't selling items we didn't have in stock we had lots of time to chat and look at stuff online (when we weren't running from the store for fear of our lives due to gas fumes/leaks/fires whatever) Anyway, Todd sometimes talked about what he appreciated or what he was grateful for which I thought was amazing, especially when we all were in a funky mood.

I am definitely in a slump. Are you shocked? I know, I mean, I personally can't believe I am not exploding with sunshine, I mean it's sooo me. But as it is, that's me...I can be moody and emotional and talk forever...or just be silent. I'm sure that's when Jeff is like omg, she's a "grumpus" Yes, I am a grumpus today and I am not happy in this exact moment but I decided to channel Todd and talk about what I am grateful for because I really think focusing on what I appreciate is exactly what I need right now.

First, a painting from my serenity help calm me down

So here goes...

I am grateful for:

- my job. While no one really wants to "work" I am so happy to have a good job and work with some great people and help support my little family. Plus the hours allow me time to paint and create. AND if I ever get my stuff together I can take classes and work on another degree...for practically nothing...

-my house. This is a really tough one because I know we both want to move to our permanent residence so bad you wouldn't believe it. But I have to admit I am grateful that we have a nice place to live and we are in the position where we can even think about selling our place and buying a new one.

-my health and my growing fitness ability. Even though I can be slow I am happy I can at least attempt this stuff and continue to get better.

-Jeff...this should really be number one. I get to be married to my best friend...he is my family and my heart.

-Cooper. I love that little diva bitch :-) with everything I have and just snuggling with him at the end of the long day makes me happy.

-my family, those of you who know me well might be surprised by this because you've heard the drama and the back and forth, the pain and the heartache. Despite it all I know they love me and I love them too. I am grateful for the lessons they have taught me and how they have helped shape the person I strive to be.

-my brother. He gets a separate note here because he is incredible. We couldn't be more different but it doesn't matter. We love each other and he is a big support in my life even when our schedules don't allow us a lot of time to talk or get together.

-great friends. I have very few but they mean the world to me. Again, we couldn't be more different and I love it that way.

-art in any capacity. How else could I look at this gigantic world and feel any kind of happiness?

Thank you Todd and thank you to everyone...It's so important for me to remember these things in the bogged down, FU moments in life. It can always be worse, it can always be better but sometimes it's okay to just "be".


Friday, March 18, 2011

big painting progress

aren't you excited to see what the final version is? It's not my own original piece but it is still a challenge...and gasp! I'm leaving white space and not doing a full wash all over. What would my art professors say/scream?! I say screw em' plus I like sitting on the painting while I'm working on it... so there. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"me, myself I got nothing to prove"

Wow...I love that song...lovely to hear it on my drive to work this morning.

You got a fast car

But is it fast enough so we can fly away?

We gotta make a decision

We leave tonight or live and die this way...

We shouldn't spend our lives wishing the weeks away...that's what I said to Jeff today...I really believe it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

the daily om

I love all the horoscope stuff and I get the daily om which is usually inspiring, sometimes chastising and typically true to my mood more often than not.

Friday was a long tedious day at the end of a long and tedious week. When I read my daily om it struck me as very important so I thought I would post it if you want your own daily dose of om-ness check out

March 11, 2011
Comfort In The Past
Pisces Daily Horoscope
An introspective mood can strike suddenly today, inspiring you to set aside a block of time to think about the manner in which your life has developed thus far. You may feel drawn to meditate on your past to see how you have changed or to look into your childhood to determine how your ingrained behavioral patterns developed. Exploring your personal history can be a comforting activity, even if there are aspects of your past you remember as being unpleasant. What you discover about yourself today can give you a renewed sense of self-assurance that helps you confidently tackle issues currently unfolding in your life.

Taking some time to reflect upon the challenges we faced in the past can serve as a potent reminder that our current circumstances are temporary. When life is rough, it can seem like we are mired in a never-ending cycle of struggle. Yet even a short bout of introspection can show us that few, if any, situations outlive our capacity to cope with them. Looking back upon those periods of our lives in which we were called upon to survive great odds, we see that we rose above adversity with a surprisingly unflappable grace. Though we may not have understood it at the time, our determined spirit and our copious inner strength provided us with more than enough tools to see us through into brighter days. As you meditate on your past today, you will come to realize that you are well equipped to deal with the circumstances you are facing right now. 

So...I spent a lot of time painting this weekend...particularly huge masses of green broccoli like trees (you'll see soon enough) but I also prepped some small canvases for some hummingbird paintings I plan to do and I also came close to wrapping up a request from a friend of mine, a sunset painting of a temple. 

I was very all over the place in terms of creating but through it all safe inside my own quiet space, listening to music and often becoming emotional thinking about the current issues in my world right now, both my own smaller picture place but the world at large as well. When Friday morning, over a "shouldn't be eating this" bowl of lucky charms Jeff said "whoa, a massive earthquake hit Japan" and we both watched the videos of waves of destruction. We watched the debris filled water, fire-lit and frightening, chasing after human life and creation. It was powerful and saddening but enlightening for me.

I see a lot of people throwing their thoughts out there, saying prayers and sorrow for the people afflicted with these disasters as they happen every day, month, year...every minute. The world is a never-ending  "circumstance you are facing right now." I feel thankful that the "earthquakes" I am feeling right now are ones that I can handle...

A great part of the weekend was seeing my beautiful friend Jalaine (she is + one now! congratulations!) and I distinctly remember telling her I just didn't see the point in writing in this blog, in painting, in this creation stuff. I was frustrated and down (yet again) and going through the whole "why the hell am I wasting my time..." Later, after I got home and was settling in from the evening out I thought...well, what ELSE should I be doing with my time? I mean, I love some trashy reality tv but come on, that's not going to build any dreams. So I went back downstairs to put on my headphones and paint some more. I have a pretty good art mix for myself to listen to while I paint. A lot of the songs have lyrics that inspire me and one that popped out was "it's amazing" by Jem. So perfect. 

Do it now
You know who you are
You feel it in your heart
And you're burning and wishing

At first, wait, won't get it on a plate
You're gonna work for it harder and harder
And I know 'cause I've been there before
Knocking on the doors with rejection (rejection)
And you'll see 'cause if it's meant to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream

It's amazing, it's amazing all that you can do
It's amazing, it makes my heart sing
Now it's up to you

Patience, now, frustration's in the air
And people who don't care
Well it's gonna get you down
And you'll fall (fall)
Yes you will hit a wall
But get back on your feet
And you'll be stronger and smarter

And I know 'cause I've been there before
Knockin' down the doors, won't take "No" for an answer
And you'll see 'cause if it's meant to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream

I hope all of the people out there in this hard to live in world will find peace and get back on their feet...we all deserve to live our dreams.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

i lied

So yeah...I guess I have a lot on mind. I want to sell our town-home and have a house with a yard for bean and a future. I want to feel like what I'm doing on a daily basis is worthwhile. I want to be in a gallery. I really want a cupcake. (just a little one)  I want to paint without feeling rushed. I want to finish my novel. (remember that?) I want...

to feel warm sand on my feet

and jump in the ocean

and I really want fresh peaches...

and to grow a garden

library quiet like it used to be

days that feel like miracles

family that feels like peace

dusk when I'm driving home. I'm tired of sunlight blinding me.

And that's all I want.

I already have everything I need.

i don't have anything to say today.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

flowers: pink and pretty

I finished two things that have been on the incomplete pile for a bit...I think they turned out super pretty. It's appropriate too because the first is for my aunt. I hope she loves it!

The first and second painting were attempts at working with acrylic paint on top of acrylic ink. This feels so soft and beautiful but a little mysterious too :-)

Another project I have is a special request from a dear friend. I hope to finish that this week so she can enjoy it very soon!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

take 2

This evening was not too amazing...I realized I measured incorrectly on the big painting last night so tonight was kind of a do-over. See below:

and...finished! (again) Ugh, seriously I was like WTF?! I had a different number in my head than it was supposed to be in reality. After I sat there and pouted for a while I just did it over, leaving even more room on the sides for stretching later. Oh well, this is something I tend to do...mess up. Lesson learned (again) I really wanted to start this thing but at least I was able to complete some more way past due unfinished work that was lying around waiting for some love and attention. Oh, and I got to scrape my palette! That probably sounds like a horrible task but I have always loved it. You spray a little water on super dried acrylic paint and it comes off like magic. The paint looked kinda interesting so I took a couple of pictures.

Big painting: I will see you in the morning. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

don't really like thursdays

but at least I got some things accomplished today after a long day of work-work. Jeff and I cleared out my art area to create a more functional space and I finally unrolled my brand new 25 yards of canvas that is almost as tall as Jeffrey. this is what a 5x7 foot painting looks like...I have to say I usually don't enjoy the prep part of painting but I had a blast rolling the gesso on while sitting on the canvas in my underwear...

looks like I will get my paint on this weekend for sure :-)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

if only we had more time

I haven't had a chance to work on anything new which is definitely a bummer because I totally feel like painting and creating right now... I'll have some new work to show soon but in the meantime here are some old works that were all experimental pieces, playing around with different techniques, textures and materials. Enjoy the randomness!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

love this...always have.

Clenched Soul

We have lost even this twilight.
No one saw us this evening hand in hand
while the blue night dropped on the world.

I have seen from my window
the fiesta of sunset in the distant mountain tops.

Sometimes a piece of sun
burned like a coin in my hand.

I remembered you with my soul clenched
in that sadness of mine that you know.

Where were you then?
Who else was there?
Saying what?
Why will the whole of love come on me suddenly
when I am sad and feel you are far away?

The book fell that always closed at twilight
and my blue sweater rolled like a hurt dog at my feet.

Always, always you recede through the evenings
toward the twilight erasing statues.

-Pablo Neruda

And now...for mine:

Wall Flower

We danced in solemn grace
Far apart as good boys and girls are
Nothing touching
Everything wanting to
A piece of you was stuck in my coat
A stray hair, an eyelash.

You pulled me out of shadows
With a nod and brush of fingertips we became 
a tidy space, comfort for a moment.

After a light sweep of my neck you lingered on my shoulder
I watched pools of lights from the car receding
Dazed behind my locked front door.

I slept softly
Thoughts of warms hands on hip and back
Kept me awake at first
Biting at my sheet to keep from smiling loudly, wildly in the dark.

-Allison Day