Saturday, October 29, 2011

love...all of us.

Michael made this oh-so lovely video after capturing  many quiet  and profound snapshots of our family spending time with our Grandmother...You can also view it here.

I knew I wanted to travel to Arizona see my Grandmother for a while.  It was important for me to go and for my mother to as well. I know how very difficult it is for can it not be?Though there is sadness, pain and so much heartache surrounding the decline of my lovely Granny Kay, Katherine Johnston, we have so much to celebrate as well, the love and the lasting effects of her beautiful life...

I will celebrate my mother, my lovely aunts and my uncle, and the memory of my uncle Patrick so vividly described by my mother which allows me to celebrate him too.

I will celebrate my brother the most incredible person I know and my gorgeous cousins.

I will celebrate all of the wonderful partners we have in our lives that support us and cherish us as we all should be cherished. Family is not always bound by blood but formed by love...

I will celebrate my Grandfather, Mister Mike...the bravest man in my sight today. My heart breaks for him but also sings at the thought of his infinite memories of his wonderful wife.

And I will celebrate the moments. Seeing my Grandmother's sweet brown eyes and those same eyes reflected in the family, holding her hands, The Bean drawing Grandma in her wheelchair...spending time with my family and hearing all of the stories of the before and the now. 

I will hold these moments  inside, locked tight like a memory that doesn't always speak but simply knows, without a doubt, the love that resides within a family born from a promise, a wife, a mother, a grandmother...a heart within our hearts forever.

I knew you

A pocket of time was stitched
a hole settled in the soft fabric
threads loosened
and time slipped out


I caught it in my my head
like a memory

A drop of time was spattered
a silken piece fell in eyelashes
rested quietly
and rolled down

your face

I held it in my hand
a reflection

your smile

always inside this threadbare place

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

oh, actually it is fall

I love looking out my window to see these colors. Soon they will be gone and I'll be sad until a pristine white blankets the earth, even if it's just for a few moments. 

I just got back from a trip to Arizona to see my grandfather and visit my grandmother and it turned into a mini family reunion, full of both joy and sadness, beauty and heartbreak all wrapped up into one tight package that I will carry with me always. I plan to write about the experience sometime soon and share some photographs that Mike and I  took of moments with our Granny Kay. For now, I am thrown back into my world of school work although I plan to take breaks to watch the shifting of the seasons through my windows.

I have a lot flowing through my mind and my heart is so heavy it's very full; my heart is pulling me down into this space that makes me want to snuggle up in the sweater weather and cry awhile.

I wrote the following poem in high school and it is curled up inside my mind today...

Under falling leaves
safe inside my shadowed space

Gaze past the starlit sky
into white moonlight on my face

While I dream of times passed by

Soft blur of orange drift past my eyes
melding red and golden hue

Beauty sought to help disguise
memory of my knowing you

Breath like haze, fills numbing air

Blue color floods pink fingertips
As I simply stay and stare

Remember honey from your lips. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Well, not really but it's something I say to Jeff every year as a joke and to start to express the child-like excitement for the autumn feeling merging into all of the charming winter holidays. Autumn is my absolute favorite time and I wish it was a constant state all year, kind of brisk but still sunny with all of the colors popping out as the green fades away. And Halloween is coming up fast. I love that day and all of the childhood joy it conjures up. The magic, the scariness and of course...the candy. This year it's been pretty hot up until last week so the fall feeling hasn't quite hit me full force, not enough to make me bust out the Waldo costumes and the candy corn. (who am I kidding, we had our first bag of candy corn back in September)

Today we actually had our first little bit of snow.

It made me think of Christmas of my goals was to paint ornaments by November in hopes of selling some this year. Guess's October 8th and not an ornament has been purchased or painted. Whoops.

It's okay though, I have been busy with school and living goals were hard and fast and I am still working to accomplish some of them and trying not to beat myself up too much if I don't finish everything. Change is in my blood and throughout the year some of my goals shifted. I took on new projects and ideas and my goals changed him some ways.

There is still time left in the year and I hope to make the best of it. 

I kick the leaves in the driveway every time I walk into the house, noticing how many more fall and cover the ground each day. You would think it would worry me but I just smile and sigh and get back

Oh, and I swear I'll get my Christmas cards done by Thanksgiving...that's a goal :-)