Monday, November 28, 2011

a few days late...but still thankful

Thanksgiving was pretty much lovely. Jeff and I hosted and though we missed Grandpa Johnston and my brother Mike we hope to have both visit Colorado sometime soon.

Thanks to everyone for the company, the wine and the conversation... My cousin Alex made a particularly tasty pecan pie that was devoured.

We were too busy eating to take pictures of the food but here are a few shots of the fall atmosphere inside our home. No matter how my tastes change these autumn hues and tones will always resonate with me...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

still here...still dreaming

I am still here, somewhere. I am getting through my last week of classes and finishing up my first quarter of my grad program...yes!

My mood has been low and faltering and I realize what I need to do is let go...

Letting go is never easy for me because I cling to thoughts and feelings obsessively.

Right now I have a huge desire to create and I am about to be gifted an abundance of time so the challenge is to use it.

I am definitely still here and will bring new creations to the table as quickly as I can make them happen.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This year has flown by and the years seem to be going by faster each time...I was in a sugar induced deep sleep last night so I didn't post our rushed but lovely little halloween time together. The older I get the more I wish we had a little one around to share the fun...and bring some magic back into this season.

Despite that I love halloween and had fun with Jeff hanging out at home

We carved pumpkins in record time and the seeds are still drying...

I glittered my gourd-geous gourd...


Made some green cupcakes...thanks Betty Crocker!

and dressed like Wayne as an excuse to wear jeans to work...and because dressing up is fun!