Sunday, March 31, 2013

the art of pregnancy

I had seen these photo montages chronicling pregnancy and I knew if I ever got pregnant I so wanted to do I did! Unfortunately the first twelve weeks I was very sick and did not have a great urge to try to look decent and document my journey. I could barely get off the couch and make it in to work or really do much of anything. By about fourteen weeks I was feeling much better and started this process.

I am not much of a photographer, hence the varying lighting, sometimes fuzzy shots and various distance issues but I thought for a final product these turned out incredible! In addition to the first thirteen weeks I missed a week here and there but you get the picture, heehee!

Scrolling through these again is so interesting to me, watching my body grow and change, seeing the joy on my face as well as some of the more tired moments. Those honestly weren't captured too much because those were typically the weeks I missed out photographing. 

I have a chalkboard wall in my art room so that is the back drop. I set up a camera on a stack of books on a ladder and used the ten second timer to go back to my place by the wall and snap a picture. The bigger I got the slower I moved so some of those last few weeks took many, many attempts to get a decent shot.

I am really proud of this project, the art of creation. I was kicking myself a bit for not doing any art work for many months until I looked at all of these photographs together. This was my art and I am very, very proud and happy. Thanks to everyone on facebook for sharing this journey as well, these pictures probably look familiar to everyone who put up with seeing my belly grow in my profile pic each week. I appreciate all of the love you shared with me, helping me see the beauty when sometimes I did not feel so beautiful with the physical changes. Your lovely comments meant a lot.

A big thanks and credit to Cassie Rosch who took the final picture with me and Oliver during our newborn session two weeks after his birth. Check out her site, she is an exceptional photographer and captures the most beautiful moments in her work.

ps. I laugh at myself now because at 21 weeks I thought I was huge, little did I know what huge was going to mean...

And these are some outtakes! Mainly with my sweet dog Cooper who always wants to be a part of the action.


Jeff said...

Such a gorgeous Mom! Love you babes!

Jenn said...

Great photos! You are beautiful in every one.