Wednesday, October 19, 2016

use your leftovers

Next week I will show you my letter C painting for abc's of the creative mama.

Today was all about using some leftover paint in a unique and fun way. If you attempt this at home be forewarned it is very messy. The more wild you are...the messier it will be. As in, dripping down the walls, footprints on the floor, paper towel frenzy, messy, super hot mess. 

Sound like fun?

So, I bought some acrylic kiddo friendly paint for my son and he has really enjoyed getting super grimy and making all kinds of brownish colored masterpieces. You know when all the colors get mixed together and you end up with that sludgy brown colored loveliness? Yep, that's why I take pictures of my kid painting in the beginning stages. 

Once we had used as much paint as possible I still had a bunch stuck around the edges of the containers so I cleaned them out a bit but left most of the color. I filled them up with water, shook them a lot and was left with these beauties.

Then it was time to get messy. I put a lot of plastic down in the tile entry way (all the way up the walls, seriously, it gets MESSY.) and let my son go to town spilling, pouring and dropping the paint on some watercolor paper. I recommend watercolor paper if you have it so your paper doesn't end up warped and crinkled when it's dry. 

I sacrificed a turkey baster for this project (that sounds super weird) but recommend an eye dropper or condiment bottle if you have one. If a child is doing this it might be easier to control. 

The stages were a lot of fun.

Ultimately, because the paint was very watered down and the paper was so saturated, I had to hold the paper up and let all the water run off. The final product is a surprisingly soft and pretty, pastel and hazy.

The circles are from taking the lids and stamping on the paper. And the best part for this art nerd? Because the paper sat in so much water I got two paintings in one. The reverse side is just as interesting.

If you have a little more paint to water ratio and a whole lot more control with how much you are dropping on the page you will have more vibrant colors. I had zero control because my three year old was throwing the paint, stepping in it and overall having a blast. He is starting to ask to "do art projects" with me which basically makes my heart explode with joy.

 Try different things: spoon the paint water on, use a toothbrush to flick it on, get creative. 

Oh, also be sure to pick up the plastic or whatever you use right away and get rid of the excess water... and make sure no water leaked through. You really don't want paint spot covered tile or cement floors. Been there. Or maybe you do, in that case let your abstract soul shine through, I'm definitely not judging. Have fun :-) 

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