Wednesday, February 15, 2017

f is for...


Several years ago one of my best friends told me that I will never stop worrying about my child.

She was absolutely right.

I went into parenthood just as a baby comes into the world, knowing nothing and needing all kinds of help. I was very, very afraid. I still am.

It's so, SO hard raising another human being. It's downright terrifying, from the moment I looked down at my son (a little weird person I didn't even think of as mine yet, let alone MY SON) nestled snugly in his car seat in the lobby of the hospital while I waited for my husband to pull the car around...I was so scared. I couldn't believe professional, intelligent people would let me leave with another person. Fully dependent on me for survival. Terrifying.

With everything dark and scary, there is something light on the other side. In the case of parenthood that light is the fact that you CAN do it. All you need (initially) are some diapers, something to feed the baby, open arms and a whole lot of love.

That light will burst out of you in ways you cannot imagine. You will find strength in your most broken moments. 

You are afraid. But you do it anyway. And THAT makes you fearless.

Shout out to all the fearless mommies out there. You are incredible.

Now, give me your best words for the letter G!

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