Wednesday, March 29, 2017

my art journal

I clearly love to write and create. I have kept many journals over the years and at some point I wanted to start combining things as I started simplifying my life. I started a new art journal that includes a lot of bits and pieces from old journals as well as some new ideas. My art world is somewhat organized chaos. Not a lot of it makes sense but some of it does, and if it doesn't who cares? It's my place to put my thoughts and my abstractions and just have fun. It's where I go when I want to doodle or throw some paint down and see what happens.

Here are a few pages...

These are a couple pages I am still working on. Thanks for checking out a bit of my journal xoxo

1 comment:

JBJ said...

I love this art journal, Alli! You are so creative, and I am so inspired by your work. It truly does make me feel something. :) Thank you for sharing more of yourself with the world. :)