Monday, February 7, 2011

we make shit out of art

Jenn took this picture of me in our second college apartment. We decided to convert the dining room area into an art space. Who needs a table anyway?

I was working on one of the seemingly millions of self portraits my evil figure painting professor demanded. She was a brilliant artist but not so nice. She would grab the paint brush out of your hand and paint on your painting to emphasize her point. She made multiple students cry (I never teared up in front of her but let it go outside of class for sure) The worst thing she did was lock her two toy poodles inside her office and then leave for random periods of time. They  barked. A lot. 

Anyway...guess what the best part of this picture is? Hint: it's on the fridge.

I am hoping for a snow day so I can finish up some almost done art projects and start some new ones that are leaping around inside of my head...

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