Tuesday, March 22, 2011

what am I grateful for?

I did work on the big painting a bit more this weekend, not as much as I would have liked but I wasn't feeling the painting thing and didn't want to mess it up. I'll post some pictures later after I have some more progress to show. This weekend will be a painting fest from sun up to sunday...I'm gearing myself up for it. There is a promise of donuts and a date night with Jeff so I'm excited :-)

I thought I would take a few moments today and follow in the footsteps of my friend Todd...we used to work together at this horrific art "store" and because we usually weren't selling items we didn't have in stock we had lots of time to chat and look at stuff online (when we weren't running from the store for fear of our lives due to gas fumes/leaks/fires whatever) Anyway, Todd sometimes talked about what he appreciated or what he was grateful for which I thought was amazing, especially when we all were in a funky mood.

I am definitely in a slump. Are you shocked? I know, I mean, I personally can't believe I am not exploding with sunshine, I mean it's sooo me. But as it is, that's me...I can be moody and emotional and talk forever...or just be silent. I'm sure that's when Jeff is like omg, she's a "grumpus" Yes, I am a grumpus today and I am not happy in this exact moment but I decided to channel Todd and talk about what I am grateful for because I really think focusing on what I appreciate is exactly what I need right now.

First, a painting from my serenity series...to help calm me down

So here goes...

I am grateful for:

- my job. While no one really wants to "work" I am so happy to have a good job and work with some great people and help support my little family. Plus the hours allow me time to paint and create. AND if I ever get my stuff together I can take classes and work on another degree...for practically nothing...

-my house. This is a really tough one because I know we both want to move to our permanent residence so bad you wouldn't believe it. But I have to admit I am grateful that we have a nice place to live and we are in the position where we can even think about selling our place and buying a new one.

-my health and my growing fitness ability. Even though I can be slow I am happy I can at least attempt this stuff and continue to get better.

-Jeff...this should really be number one. I get to be married to my best friend...he is my family and my heart.

-Cooper. I love that little diva bitch :-) with everything I have and just snuggling with him at the end of the long day makes me happy.

-my family, those of you who know me well might be surprised by this because you've heard the drama and the back and forth, the pain and the heartache. Despite it all I know they love me and I love them too. I am grateful for the lessons they have taught me and how they have helped shape the person I strive to be.

-my brother. He gets a separate note here because he is incredible. We couldn't be more different but it doesn't matter. We love each other and he is a big support in my life even when our schedules don't allow us a lot of time to talk or get together.

-great friends. I have very few but they mean the world to me. Again, we couldn't be more different and I love it that way.

-art in any capacity. How else could I look at this gigantic world and feel any kind of happiness?

Thank you Todd and thank you to everyone...It's so important for me to remember these things in the bogged down, FU moments in life. It can always be worse, it can always be better but sometimes it's okay to just "be".


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