Wednesday, July 19, 2017

car loving kid craft

What is my favorite kind of kid craft? Probably food crafts. My child is most definitely inspired by food and it holds his attention a bit better. Basically, for one minute instead of thirty seconds. Plus, there are so many cute things you can make out of food items. Plus, food. Sugary, delicious, snacky "probably shouldn't eat that but I'm crafting so it's okay" food. They don't all have to be sugary and unhealthy but a little bit of sugar is fun too, especially on these long, "too hot to even play outside" very, LONG summer days.

My son absolutely loves all things car related and often takes candies or foods and makes traffic lights if he has something red, green and yellow. This is a super easy craft that requires little effort.

Here's what you need:

It's pretty self explanatory. Get some kind of red, green and yellow candy and something rectangular plus something to stick it all together to make a traffic light. Google the order of the traffic light colors if you care about that kind of thing. Feel free to use whatever you want food wise. I used skittles and honey to stick them to chocolate graham crackers. You could use peanut butter, melted chocolate or frosting if you need an excuse to eat a spoon of frosting. The best part about using the graham crackers is you get a little leftover bowl to eat after you end up breaking fifteen of them trying to break them apart evenly. And then giving up. Because they don't break apart evenly. Ever. 

This will give you approximately fifteen seconds of craft time minus the time spent telling your child to stop eating all the skittles. At some point he managed to sneak a purple one in to make the ever elusive purple traffic light. I feel like if purple was a traffic light color it would definitely mean you could do whatever you felt like. Kind of like how most people drive anyway. 

So, if you are inclined to feed something healthier to your child than candy and cookies fused together with more sugar, read on! Personally, my kid is only kept quiet in certain situations if I am constantly feeding him skittles. I wish I could say that wasn't true but sadly it is. #nofilter

I had this grand idea to make my own version of the adorable food cars I have seen on pinterest. My son loves olives so I thought those would make cute tires. Apples make the body of the car, cheese for windows and cherries for tail lights. When I started this adventure I realized I have no toothpicks so I cut some from those little cocktail umbrellas I bought one day thinking I would make fancy cocktails. (never happened) The process of cutting the toothpick part from the umbrella part led to me removing the stove burners to dig out pieces of toothpick that went flying. Does this happen to Martha Stewart? Doubtful. Allow extra time for this kind of thing.

Here is what you need for healthy craft cars that your kid will not remotely be able to assemble!

You might have one of those children that is ready to be on that Master Chef Junior show. I do not. I quickly realized how terrified I was to even let my four year old near a toothpick let alone a knife. After a few minutes I realized this would actually be a mommy craft to show to my son, let him admire it for a second, then remove all the toothpicks and just have him eat it. He of course showed no interest in this cute little car whatsoever until I demolished them and gave him his lunch plate. At that point he asked (very accusingly, I might add) "where is the car mommy?" before trying to recreate one and then giving up just as quickly as I did. If you decide to actually make these, cut up the apple, cut the olives in half and the cheese in little squares. Awkwardly stab a toothpick through the apple and add the cheese and olives to dangerous sharp sides of toothpick. Look at the cherries with a puzzled look, cut a piece off the bottom of one and simply place it on top of the olives long enough to snap a photo.

You should have plenty of leftovers to eat with your glass of wine...that you should most definitely enjoy, celebrating that this craft time is over.


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