Saturday, January 22, 2011

free dryer for sale

So funny story...Jeff was out looking for my blog and mistakenly typed in alliday instead of Apparently on August 13, 2007 my weird ass wrote in my (other random and forgotten about) blog one entry and never touched it again. Here is that gem of an entry:

First things first... highlight of the weekend. We found a free dryer driving around on Saturday. Jeff's mom, Judi needs a dryer because hers is broken... So we were driving past this church that all of these children were dancing around in front of waving signs that said "Free" in sharpie. From a distance we see what could be a washer or a dryer and as we get closer I yell out "It's a dryer! It's a dryer!" like someone just told me I won the damn lottery. Sure enough it was a dryer, albeit dirty and covered with grass; Jeff pulled the car abruptly into the church parking lot. Now, I don't know what denomination this church is but everyone was rather kind and wearing long skirts. It felt like a weird movie honestly. Like the kind where the sexy young teenagers pull into some off the beaten path restaurant/gas station/rickety home/church and within twenty minutes limbs are being ripped off and a guy without a face is eating someones liver.
Needless to say this dryer looked a little shady but who can beat a neon orange sticker labeled $20 and marked down to the fantastic price of free! We inquired of the dryer, asking typical questions one might ask of a beaten down free dryer being given away by long skirted church going people. We learned it was used to dry some sort of churchy rag kind of garment thing. (can't think of the official title) Judi asked if it dried hot (??) and after we were confident a little 409 and a lot of love would do the trick we agreed to take it. When we wondered how we would get the dryer home many long skirted and weary looking churchies started murmuring of a Brother Mike (Later we pondered if it was Brother Steve and I came up with the trusty name of Brother Bob before remembering it was Brother Mike)
Eventually Brother Mike emerged in an obtrusive vehicle that was simply rust and faith. Jeff later revealed there was no true interior to the truck but it worked efficiently to haul away a free dryer and at the last minute an ancient exercise machine dating back to the early 1500's.
In all seriousness the Brothers and Sisters were kind and loving people that were probably glad to get that damn dryer to someone in need. Why were they giving it away you ask?

They had a brand new set ready to go in the church basement to dry all those long skirts.

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