Monday, January 31, 2011

in the quiet

 I unearthed this poem I had written in my college library while I was supposed to be writing an art history research paper. I get a snow day tomorrow so that means I will have time to complete the ink painting and work on some other projects, yay! For now it's just...

Quiet here.
I break from my pen to destroy the monotony
With something beautiful.

I study beauty
All around, it springs from me
Cries, moaning from 
Crumbling graves
Echoes in marble facade
Give way to concrete
Chipped, broken
Not yet forgotten
Until completely gone.

Who crept within still walls
Filled them with

Who will remember my place when
I am no longer here?

My chair, my very spot will be marked
Crisp pages
Flashed across screens

I study beauty

When I cease to be
Will anyone know me in the quiet?

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