Tuesday, February 1, 2011

this caught my eye

I was lucky enough to enjoy a snow day ( or maybe it was a cold day?) Not sure what kind of day because there is a not a lot of snow but it is definitely freezing here! It was nice to snuggle with Bean, bake some cookies and work on some paintings. (and of course watch one of the Lifetime movies on the DVR, I'm addicted)

I was in a bit of a creative slump today...nothing was really working quite right for me so I had to lay off the art work even though I had this beautiful gift of unexpected free time...so that was kind of a bummer not to really be able to utilize the time completely.

Something that inspired me a bit was this gigantic, gorgeous bird that caught my eye while I was walking by the window. It was perched in the tree right outside the front door and it was initially facing the door but turned when I ran off to get my camera.

Hopefully you get an idea of the size...it was so cute all puffed up in the cold and it was checking out this crazy squirrel that is always performing daredevil stunts from the bird feeders our neighbor hangs. Cooper barked at it too so clearly it was something impressive. 

I am definitely into finding the greater meaning in things that happen throughout my day so I was curious about this bird and why it was right there just as I looked out the window...I'm not sure what type of bird it is exactly but using my powerful google research skills I think it's a type of hawk, possibly a red tailed hawk. Something about it felt hopeful to me...

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