Sunday, October 9, 2011


Well, not really but it's something I say to Jeff every year as a joke and to start to express the child-like excitement for the autumn feeling merging into all of the charming winter holidays. Autumn is my absolute favorite time and I wish it was a constant state all year, kind of brisk but still sunny with all of the colors popping out as the green fades away. And Halloween is coming up fast. I love that day and all of the childhood joy it conjures up. The magic, the scariness and of course...the candy. This year it's been pretty hot up until last week so the fall feeling hasn't quite hit me full force, not enough to make me bust out the Waldo costumes and the candy corn. (who am I kidding, we had our first bag of candy corn back in September)

Today we actually had our first little bit of snow.

It made me think of Christmas of my goals was to paint ornaments by November in hopes of selling some this year. Guess's October 8th and not an ornament has been purchased or painted. Whoops.

It's okay though, I have been busy with school and living goals were hard and fast and I am still working to accomplish some of them and trying not to beat myself up too much if I don't finish everything. Change is in my blood and throughout the year some of my goals shifted. I took on new projects and ideas and my goals changed him some ways.

There is still time left in the year and I hope to make the best of it. 

I kick the leaves in the driveway every time I walk into the house, noticing how many more fall and cover the ground each day. You would think it would worry me but I just smile and sigh and get back

Oh, and I swear I'll get my Christmas cards done by Thanksgiving...that's a goal :-)

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