Wednesday, April 5, 2017

rainy day project

We have a had a lot of rain these past few weeks. I love the rain, I could sit around all day and drink tea, snuggle up under a blanket, and bask in the gloominess. That's not really possible with a wild four year old. Rain makes the glorious park wet and dangerous and it also makes SAHM's kinda stir crazy. This is an easy rainy day activity for kiddos to help make some Easter (or spring if Easter isn't your thing) decorations. It is as simple as drawing or tracing some shapes onto construction paper and letting your children (or yourself) draw to their hearts content. My son chose an egg and a bunny. I steered him towards pastel colors for a spring vibe but he really wanted brown (for chocolate bunnies) and dark green (because it's pretty) Who am I to stand in the way of creative genius?

When they are done with their creations, cut the shapes out, punch a hole in them and either thread them through some ribbon for a quick decoration...

Or add some letters to make a cute banner. Make a fold on the back of some rectangles or triangles of construction paper, place the ribbon and then glue the fold down to hold the ribbon in place and keep your banner letters facing forward. I used pipe cleaners to attach my cut outs so they would also stay forward facing. Make sure you leave enough ribbon on the ends of your banner to hang it. And if you don't remember, just tie some other ribbons on the ends and pretend you did it for aesthetic reasons. Happy crafting!

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