Wednesday, June 28, 2017

l is for...

What else could it be?

No other word feels right.

Simple, yet perfect.


Absolute love.

I create because it is part of me, it was the first great love of my life.

I love my child with everything I have, even in the midst of chaos and frustration, I love. 

If nothing else, really... IF NOTHING ELSE, remember to love.

Without judgement (I know, that one is so hard) without hesitation, without having to know everything about anything or anything about everything, just love. Love the big, wide world of people like you love your own little circle of people. We are all breathing the same air in and out and we are all here, wanting, needing, hoping for love on so many different levels.

Every day I wake up and sometimes life smacks me full force in the face. Sometimes it's a little tap that nudges me stumbling towards the coffee. Sometimes it is the rolling, booming of an early morning storm that lulls me from a restless night, or a sweet, sleepy little voice asking for a hug. At the base of it all is love. I seek to find that bit of love that makes the day worthwhile when it feels anything but. 

What do you love? Who do you love? Who loves you? I hope you finish this month basking in the feeling of love. We are ALL worthy of it and we all deserve it. So much love to you. xoxo

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