Friday, June 23, 2017

froggy craft

My son has a theme at school each week to correspond with the letter they are learning about, and last week the theme was frogs.

I gathered some craft items I had around the house to make a cute little frog project. 

This is what I used...

...but get creative with what you have. Lots of things would make a great frog body, painted egg cartons, cut up paper towel tubes or leftover plastic Easter eggs.

I made a sample for my preschool aged child to give him an idea of what to do but I encouraged him to do his own thing. If you use anything plastic you will likely need superglue to reinforce everything. I let my son use elmers glue to place the pom poms and pipe cleaners and then I added a dot of super glue myself to make it all stick. My favorite addition is the little fly I made by wrapping a piper cleaner around a pom pom.

I used a green paper plate for the lily pad. You could use anything or have your kid color something green. This was great practice for cutting skills. He also cut up the red strip for the tongue and cut the pipe cleaners in pieces for the legs.

Fold the piper cleaners into frog legs. Again, you will need to reinforce with super glue if you use a plastic eggs. I wouldn't give the super glue to your kid unless you are feeling brave or they are older than a preschooler.

These googly eyes had sticky backs making them easy to apply. My son's frog ended up with three eyes. There might have been more if he wasn't distracted by the pom poms.

When he was done we glued the whole deal to a piece of blue construction paper. My son really loves gluing things, especially pom poms, so I let him do his thing to make flowers on the water. I was impressed with his composition! He liked the fly so I made him one too.

We finished the project with some writing practice

It's amazing what children can do. I love where he placed his eyes, how he folded the legs and his addition of the pom pom flowers. 

If you make this frog craft leave me a photo with your kids creation, I would love to see what they come up with! 

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