Friday, July 22, 2011

my favorites

The bookstore at DU had a ninety-nine cent table. That is where I found this:

 At first I had absolutely no clue what this thing was. I just thought it would make a fantastic toy for Cooper. After eventually reading the tag I learned this little blue guy apparently is the "common cold"  You can find this and lots of other cute stuffed germs, er, microbes that are obviously way bigger and adorable than reality here. The flu is particularly sweet however food poisoning leaves something to be desired.

Anyway, the interesting part about this is I learned that for the many varieties of cold viruses the rhinovirus is the most common. I thought this was an especially cute toy for Cooper for two reasons. 
1. I can say, hey cooper, go get your cold 
2. we actually call him "rhino" 

He likes to do this thing where he rushes in (usually while you are asleep) and "rhino's" or pushes his nose and head under bedding, pillows, clothing or pretty much wherever he wants. Sometimes he will even rhino your arm or leg if he wants to get by.  

um, don't bother me, I'm eating.

why did you give me this?

I love Jeff...

a whole lot. 

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